Work smarter, get more done and have better control

Become efficient and structured without having to think about it!


Quality-assured efficiency! It may not sound like much fun. But the fact is that businesses that streamline their admin and have control over their operations are more likely to be successful in their sector. They have more time to focus on what is important, resulting in greater competitiveness and less stress.

How do you work smarter?

Actually, it is not that difficult, it is just a matter of doing the right things in the right order. But when you have a lot to do, it can be hard to prioritise in the right way, and easy to miss something important. The same thing happens easily when you are stressed. It is then easier to work in a structured way, and preferably without having to think about the fact that you are doing it.

Buskoll makes it easy

Buskoll makes it easier to work smarter, and safer too. The risk of missing an important task is minimised, even when you are very busy. And if you do not get everything done by the end of the working day, Buskoll will ensure you do not forget any tasks. Up until they actually get done.

Get started straight away and follow the procedure below.


Add all recurring tasks

Start by reviewing your recurring tasks and entering them in Buskoll. Think from the top down, i.e. first enter the annually recurring tasks and then continue with the quarterly, monthly, weekly tasks etc.

Once this is done, the foundation has been laid, freeing up capacity and ensuring quality.


Enter ongoing tasks directly, continuously

Once the foundation has been laid, simply keep adding tasks as they come. The most important thing is to get into a routine so that a task is entered into Buskoll as soon as it comes in.

Think big and small; from sending a quote to calling a supplier or cleaning the coffee machine.


Plan & replan

For Buskoll to be of help to you, it is important that information is kept up-to-date, and that is not difficult. Just be consistent and change the information in Buskoll when it changes in reality, such as moving a task to another day when needed.

A good tip is to end the working day by reviewing tomorrow’s tasks.


Be consistent

If you are not consistent and just add certain tasks every now and then, you will not actually get the support that Buskoll can provide. Of course, the tasks you have entered will be handled by Buskoll, but you still have to keep track of all the others yourself.

Therefore, be consistent and add as much as possible into Buskoll. It may feel a bit unfamiliar at first, but do not give up and continue to follow the procedure. Make it a habit to end the day by going through what needs to be done the following day. With the Buskoll app installed on your phone, you can do this on the bus home, for example.

It is only once you have added everything that needs to be done that you get really good support, it is then easier to relax and focus on what needs to be done.


Make sure everyone works in the same way

If there are several of you in the company, the benefits increase with each employee who uses Buskoll. So add as many people as possible and get everyone to be consistent and follow the procedure.

When everyone uses Buskoll, it becomes easy to manage and quality assure operations at the same time. With the specific features and interfaces for work management, changes can be made quickly when needed, for example, moving a task from one person to another when someone leaves or goes off sick.